Editor in chief



"It is with much joy and anticipation that we celebrate the launch of a Journal of Medical and life sciences i.e. Developmental Medico-Life-Sciences. On behalf of the Developmental Medico-Life-Sciences Editorial Team, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to the readership of Developmental Medico-Life-Sciences I take this opportunity to thank our authors, editors and anonymous reviewers, all of whom have volunteered to contribute to the success of the journal. I am also grateful to the Publisher for making Developmental Medico-Life-Sciences a reality. Developmental Medico-Life-Sciences is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of high quality research papers on how advances in health profession which can help us meet the challenges of the 21st century, and to capitalize on the promises ahead. We welcome contributions that can demonstrate near-term practical usefulness, particularly contributions that take a multidisciplinary convergent approach because many real world problems are complex in nature. Developmental Medico-Life-Sciences will provide an ideal forum for exchange of information on all of the above topics and more, in various formats: full length and letter length research papers, survey papers, work-in-progress reports on promising developments, case studies / best practice articles written by different researchers. Dear authors, reviewers and readers of Developmental Medico-Life-Sciences it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the first edition of Developmental Medico-Life-Sciences for which I have acted as Editor in Chief. I am very aware of the responsibilities that the editor’s role entails, and I approach my new role with both excitement and some trepidation".