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  1. Title page with title, authors' names and complete affiliations; corresponding author, complete address, telephone number and email address (mandatory), author for reprint requests and complete address of ALL authors.(NOT INCLUDE IN MANUSCRIPT) SEND SEPRATELY
  2. Abstract (250-300 words)
  3. MeSH keywords (5-10)
  4. Introduction
  5. Materials and Methods
  6. Results(along with graphical representation and Tables)
  7. Discussion ( Include comparision of your study findings with previous findings, Study Limitations , Future aspects)
  8. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs short precise)
  9. Conflict of interest
  10. Acknowledgements
  11. Authors Contribution 
  12. Funding status
  13. Data avilibility statement
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  22. Make sure to attach Authorship form along with their afflitaions and contributions in the study.
  23. Article without authorship form will automatically be rejected one remainder email will be given.
  24. Ethical Review Letter (IRB letter) must be submiited incase of Original Article if no Ethical approval required than must be stated properly.