Publication Fee


DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICO-LIFE-SCIENCES” is an open access publication, and is freely available online. The cost of publishing as open access online edition has been increased many folds due to inflation all over the world.  The journal committee acknowledges the difficulties faced by the authors, but to ensure the continuous appearance of the journal, has decided to charge a minimal fee from the authors. The revised rates of manuscript processing / publishing fee with immediate effect are as follows; 

  • Research Papers/Review Papers/Short Communications:    
  1. Inland authors:       35000 PKR
  2. Overseas authors:  $180 USD
  • Case Reports:    
  1. Inland authors:     20000/- PKR
  2. Overseas authors:  $130 USD

For Fast Track Review Additional, Charges PKR: 10,000/-

Please Note:

  • There is no Submission Fee.
  • The fee shall be paid after the paper has been accepted for publication and the authors are issued a notice to pay the fee. Non-payment will result in rejection / withholding of the paper from being published.
  • Once paid, the manuscript fee is non-refundable.

 The article publishing fee covers:

  • English language copyediting & proofreading - correction of grammatical, spelling & other common errors
  • Indexing and listing across major repositories
  • Visibility on the strongest OA platform
  • Permanent and unrestricted online access to your work & long-term archiving
  • XML Typesetting and pagination - web (PDF, HTML) and preparation of print files
  • Paid online manuscript tracking system to facilitate your work (Author Panel)
  • In case you face any problem or difficulties, please contact us for further guidance. Send us the copy of the receipt as a proof of transfer of the money.

Waiver Policy:

If an author has no funds to pay such charges, he may request for full or partial waiver of publication fees. The decision may however vary from case to case.

We do not want charges to prevent the publication of worthy material.



Prof.Dr. Naveed Shuja



Payment option:

Account title:  ARSLAN SHUJA

A/c no. : 3427301000001403

IBAN NO: PK45FAYS3427301000001403