Comparative Effectiveness and Complications of Surgical and Conservative Management in Breast Abscess Patients: A Prospective Analytical Study
Surgical vs. Conservative Breast Abscess Management
Breast abscess, Surgical treatment, Conservative treatment, Ultrasound-guided aspiration, Incision and drainageAbstract
Background: Mammary abscesses are infections that are enclosed without involving the surrounding tissues they are common with breast cancer patients through uncontrolled or poorly controlled mastitis. Hence, this work seeks to assess the management of surgical and conservative approaches for treating breast abscesses.
Objective: The objective of the study was to ascertain the treatment methods used in management of breast abscesses and to determine the results and adverse outcomes of those that are applied.
Methodology: A prospective analytical study was conducted in the Department of Surgery at Ghurki Trust & Teaching Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan, from February 2023 to March 2024. A total of 270 patients were initially enrolled, with 200 completing the 3-month follow-up. Patients were divided into two groups based on the treatment modality. Group I (Surgical Treatment) and Group II (Conservative/Minimally Invasive Treatment). SPSS version-20 was used to analyse results Patient groups were compared using the chi-squared test for categorical variables, for continuous variables, such as age, an independent samples t-test was utilized to compare the means between the two groups (p≤0.05) was considered.
Results: Surgical treatment (Group I) demonstrated a significant reduction in reoperations and respiration compared to conservative treatments (Group II), where a notable percentage of patients (41.7%) needed further intervention. Notably, the rate of deformity due to scarring and contracture was higher in the conservative/minimally invasive group, affecting 30% of these patients, compared to 14.3% in the surgical group. Moreover, there was no carcinoma reported in group II in contrast with group I of the surgically operated patients 5% of them were found to have carcinoma.
Conclusion: Surgical treatment for breast abscesses, particularly larger ones, offers more definitive resolution with fewer long-term complications compared to conservative management. Personalized treatment planning is essential to optimize patient outcomes and reduce morbidity.
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Copyright © 2024 Maria Ayub, Fajar Saqib, Sadia Iram , Amber shafique, Farazia Tariq, Ribqa Tariq

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