Postoperative Pain Management in Patients Undergoing Hernia Repair Surgery. A cross-sectional study

Assessing the Efficacy of Analgesic Regimens in Hernia Repair Surgery


  • Muhammad Yahya Akhter Lahore Medical & Dental College(LMDC), Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Abdullah Javaid Lahore Medical & Dental College (LM&DC), Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Ayesha Majid Lahore Medical & Dental College (LM&DC), Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Aroosha Ali Mughal Lahore Medical & Dental College (LM&DC), Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Sarmad Javed Lahore Medical & Dental College (LM&DC), Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Eman Tariq Lahore Medical & Dental College (LM&DC), Lahore, Pakistan Author



Hernia repair surgery, Postoperative pain management, Acetaminophen, Pethidine, Parecoxib, Multimodal analgesia.


Background: Hernia repair surgery is the most frequently performed surgical operation across the world and pain management after the surgery is important to avoid chronic pain and improve the quality of life.

Objectives: to assess the effectiveness of acetaminophen monotherapy against combination analgesic regimens (acetaminophen plus pethidine or parecoxib) in managing postoperative pain in individuals having hernia repair surgery.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study on patients who were 18-65 years old and had elective hernia repair surgery. Participants were assigned to three groups: Group A was given IV acetaminophen along with IM pethidine, Group B was given IV acetaminophen with IV parecoxib and Group C was given IV acetaminophen alone. Pain was evaluated by Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) at various time intervals within 24 hours following surgery. Data were analysed employing repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression analysis.

Results: The research had a total of 259 patients. In comparison to Group C, patients in Groups A and B consistently reported far lower pain scores. Group C had the greatest mean pain score (7.91) at 45 minutes post-surgery, whereas Groups A and B demonstrated lower ratings (5.99 and 6.87). Pethidine and parecoxib when paired with acetaminophen were equally effective, as evidenced by the lack of a significant difference between Groups A and B. If acetaminophen monotherapy was used, combination treatment produced better pain relief.

Conclusion: Following hernia repair surgery, combination analgesic regimens comprising acetaminophen and either pethidine or parecoxib are more successful at reducing postoperative pain than acetaminophen monotherapy. As a normal procedure, multimodal analgesia should be taken into account to reduce the incidence of chronic pain and enhance patient recovery.




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How to Cite

Akhter, M. Y. ., Javaid, M. A. ., Majid, A. ., Mughal, A. A., Javed, M. S. ., & Tariq, E. (2024). Postoperative Pain Management in Patients Undergoing Hernia Repair Surgery. A cross-sectional study: Assessing the Efficacy of Analgesic Regimens in Hernia Repair Surgery. DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICO-LIFE-SCIENCES, 1(5), 20-26.
