Postoperative Outcomes of Breast Cancer Surgery in Tertiary Care Units in Pakistan: A Cross-Sectional Study
Infection Rates and Wound Healing in Post-Mastectomy Patients
Breast Cancer, Postoperative, Patient Recovery, Surgical ComplicationsAbstract
Background: Breast cancer is a serious health problem in Pakistan and has high incidence and mortality rate. This paper seeks to compare and contrast surgical care and patient management by analyzing postoperative results of breast cancer operations in tertiary health care centers of Pakistan.
Methods: It was a cross-sectional study designed in tertiary care unit of Nishtar hospital Multan where medical records of female breast cancer patients who underwent surgery between January 2024 to June 2024 were analyzed. The demographic data, surgical procedures, postoperative morbidities, hospital stays, and readmission rates data were analyzed using multivariate statistics.
Results: In total 300 patients were selected in the study. The rate of developing post-operative complications was 20%, and the most frequent of them were infections (12%). The mean days to recovery including those who were discharged and stayed at home was twenty-one days with a readmission ratio of fifteen percent. Specific factors that were found to have a significant influence on the outcomes consisted of age, comorbidities as well as the surgical method used with the latter having a (p ≤ 0.01).
Conclusion: This finding of study stated that the postoperative outcomes of breast cancer surgeries in Pakistani tertiary care units were determined by patients’ characteristics, medical co morbidities, and surgical procedures. Implementing standard of care and making available better surgical modalities can improve the patient care and post-surgical care maybe reduced the rate of further complications among breast cancer patients.
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