The Impact of High BMI on Cholesterol Levels and Type-2 Diabetes Control. A Cross-Sectional Study
High BMI: Effects on Cholesterol and Type-2 Diabetes Control
Glycosylated hemoglobin, Hypercholesterolemia, Body mass index, Glycemic Index. Diabetes Type-2.Abstract
Background: Higher levels of BMI have closed relationship with hypercholesterolemia and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in the population with type 2 diabetes.
Study Design: Present research was a Cross-Sectional Study.
Methodology: Current study was conducted at Lahore General Hospital, Jinnah hospital Lahore and Diabetes Endocrine Metabolic Centre (DEMC) from March 2023 to February 2024. A retrospective Cross-Sectional analysis of 800 patients was considered and correlation between BMI, HbA1c and hypercholesterolemia was noted. The Underweight, Normal, Overweight, Obesity Class 1, Obesity Class 2, and Obesity Class 3 were the six categories based on BMI. One could classify HbA1c as controlled or uncontrolled. One could take cholesterol as controlled or uncontrolled.
Results:For above 500 patients, 25 percent had normal weight, 30.1% were overweight, and 35 percent were obese. Class 1 had a 25.8% obesity rate, Class 2 had a 40% obesity rate, and Class 3 had a 42 % obesity rate. Both sexes showed similar levels of obesity, HbA1c, and cholesterol control. Whereas 32.26% of patients had a controlled HbA1c. Of them, 7.8% had normal weight, 11.8% were overweight, and 0.98% were underweight. In this class, 11.8% of the patients were obese. Class 1 obesity rates were 6.2%, Class 2 obesity rates were 4.3%, and Class 3 obesity rates were 1.2%. 1.9% of patients with uncontrolled HbA1c levels were underweight, 18.2% were of normal weight, 22.1% were overweight, and 26.3% were obese out of 67.74% of patients. Class 1 obesity rates were 18.7%, Class 2 obesity rates were 6.3%, and Class 3 obesity rates were 1.4%.
Conclusion:The findings of present study were showed that BMI has close relationship with HbA1c. And hypercholesterolemia. High levels of BMI had poor glycemic and Cholesterol control.
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