Hepatoprotective Effects of Glycyrrhiza and Cichorium in Rats
Hepatoprotective effects, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Cichorium intybus, paracetamol-induced toxicity, Rattus norvegicus, liver dysfunction, medicinal plants, antioxidative properties, detoxification, anti-inflammatory, liver tonic.Abstract
Aims and Objectives:The present study was aimed to determine hepatoprotective role of two plants Glycyrrhiza glabra and Cicorium intybus against paracetamol (acetaminophen) exposure hepatotoxicity in albino rats (Rattus norvegicus). It has been demonstrated that G. glabra and C.intybus extract has biological capabilities of anti-oxidation, detoxification and anti-infection.
Methodology:So, to evaluate the effects of G. glabra and C.intyubs administration on the liver’s histology and some biochemical parameters were investigated. Rattus norvegicus male rats (n= 48) were randomly distributed into four groups. Experimental groups were given acetaminophen with 2.5mg/kg BW /day for 5 days respectively to induce hepatotoxicity, then aqueous extract of G. glabra (Roots) and C.intybus (Seeds) at 200 mg/kg/day was given for a period of 10, 20 and 30 days. After the completion of experiment, tissues were taken and blood was collected in order to evaluate histopathological changes, and for studies of biochemical parameters separately. The obtained results showed hepatic necrosis and centrilobular hepatic congestion with a decrease in hepatocytes diameter, and increase in sinusoidal spaces was also observed in the liver of treated rats.
Results:Liver enzymes ALP, AST and ALT and other biochemical factors Albumin, Bilirubin showed a significant increase in 200 mg/kg extract received rats in comparison with control (P<0.05) and (P<0.01). G.glabra and C.intybus have shown a remarkable and effective impact on RLW which was statistically significant (P<0.05), percentage increase and decrease showed that both plants have good effective on the recovery of body weight, affected by the paracetamol (acetaminophen ) toxicity.Some harmful effects of C.intybus were seen on integrity of liver in 30 days consumption of this plant.
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